Benchtop Spectrophotometer CM3630A is a stateOfThe art ISOStandard compliant measuring device for the pulp & paper industry


A vertically aligned Spectrophotometer in compliance with ISO standards used in the pulp and paper industry including ISO 2469 and ISO 2470. The instrument features a numerical UV-Control system which simplifies the process of calibration and measurement of colour, whiteness, and yellowness.

  • Benchtop Instrument with vertical alignment
  • Wavelength range 360-740nm
  • d:0° Sphere Geometry according to ISO 2469 & ISO 2470
  • Reflectance measurement
  • 2 Apertures MAV (8mm) / LAV (30mm)

Benchtop Spectrophotometer with Numerical UV control for the Paper Industry

Highly competitive markets, such as the paper, pulp and cellulose industry, require a commitment to top quality throughout.

The CM-3630 benchtop spectrophotometer ensures compliance to optical standards ISO 2469 and ISO 2470 used in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Used in combination with PaperManager software, values for colour, brightness, whiteness, and yellowness indices are calculated and displayed in full accordance with several international and national standards such as ISO, SCAN, DIN, TAPPI, CPPA and AFNOR.

Numerical UV-Control greatly simplifies calibration and adjustments to whiteness and tint. In just a few seconds, the CM-3630A is calibrated and ready for measurement, much faster and with conventional instruments. Utilising Numerical UV-Control results in a significant reduction in moving parts and reduced maintenance requirements.


  • d:0° geometry with 30mm measuring aperture

Measure paper colour In full compliance with ISO, SCAN, DIN, TAPPI, CPPA and AFNOR.

  • Compatible with measurement data from the CM-3630

Operators upgrading from the previous generation can be confident in the inter model agreeement for the continuity of targets and tolerances.

  • Built-in targeting camera

The built in sample positionning camera aids the efficiency of measurements by ensuring accurate positioning of samples even if the sample is textured, small or inhomogeneous.

CM-3630 with paper ready to measure
  • Additional smaller measurement aperture

Further aids the efficiency, utility and versatility of this instrument for all requirements in the supply chain.

  • Integrated mounts for tablet computer

A tablet computer (comercially available) can be easily mounted to the body of the spectrophgotometer i.e. Windows tablet with Papermanager Software to greatly aid the easy operation and instant feedback of measurement data.

CM-3630A Catalogue

Spectrophotometer dedicated for The Pulp & Paper Industry

CM3630A Catalogue

Paper Manager Software

    • Dongle-protected
    • WINDOWS™ 7, 8 and 10 compliant
    • Tactile screen compliant
    • Measurements can be stored inside a database
    • User-profiles can be generated for easy usage and production management
    • UV calibration for CIE Whiteness and Tint, ISO-Brightness and spectral profile data
    • Calculates Rx, Ry, Rz, XYZ, Yxy, CIELAB and HunterLab Color values
    • CIE Whiteness and Tint as well as ISO-Brightness R457 (TAPPI)
    • Measures Opacity and Transparency
    • Calculation of absorption and scattering coefficients


    PaperManager in combination with a CM-3630A spectrophotometer with d:0 geometry, is a solution in full compliance with the following international standards.


    ISO 2469 : Reflectance factor

    ISO 2470 : ISO Brightness

    ISO 2471 :  Opacity

    ISO 3688 : Pulps, ISO brightness

    ISO 5631-1 : Determination of Colour C/2°

    ISO 5631-2 : Determination of Colour D65/10°

    ISO 5631-3 : Determination of Colour D50/2°

    ISO 9416 : Light scattering and absorption coefficient

    ISO 11475 : CIE Whiteness

    ISO 11476 : Indoor whiteness

    ISO 12625-7 (July 2014): Brightness and Colour D65/10 (outdoor lighting)

    ISO 12625-15 (April 2015): Brightness and Colour C/2° (indoor lighting)

    INGEDE : Ink Elimination IE700 in %

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