The chroma meter CR-5 offers a fantastic price to performance ratio for colour QC measurement of solid, powder and liquid samples where spectral data is not necessary. Like the CM-5, the CR-5 can operate independently of a PC via a built in colour screen and measures using a top port that can measure samples either directly or in petri dishes.
CR-400 / CR-410
The CR-400 and CR-410 colour measurement instruments with 8mm and 50mm measuring apertures that offer a cost effective solution for colour QC where spectral data is not required. The instruments can be operated connected to a PC, the data processor/printer unit or as an independent measurement head. They provide a straightforward measurement solution for virtually all solid/powder samples.
The large aperture CR-410 chromameter with specially modified firmware and purpose designed sample holder is used to provide colour measurements of coffee at all stages of the production process using industry standard measurements.
The CR-410T is a specially modified CR-410 chromameter with firmware that provides data on tomato products to provide reliable colour data for raw tomato, sauce, paste, juice, ketchup, etc., making it ideal for procurement, goods in, production or the lab.