• CS-3000 spectroradiometer page header

Renowned Tech website Cnet.com utilise a CS-2000 Spectroradiometer as the core of their system for testing display technology, both in calibrating the displays under test to ensure a level playing field and in capturing data points for the test patterns on displays driven by their signal generator.

You can read the full methodology on their website which is linked below, and watch their video about TV testing facilities.

Cnet.com: How We Test HDTV's

Learn More About Testing Display Technology in Consumer Electronics

Measurement Solutions for Consumer Electronics

Whether measuring the colour of a device's housing, the brightness of integrated LEDs or Illuminated Symbols or the Brightness, Colour, Contrast and Quality of a Display our solutions will ensure accurate data

Prometric Camera Measuring a tablet Display in production

Spectroradiometers from Konica Minolta Sensing

Fast and Accurate Measurement of Luminance and Chromaticity

The CS-3000 and CS-3000 HDR were developed based on the feedback of display producers, increasingly seeking measurement solutions that can be automated and provide increased accuracy on modern display technology which includes increased gamut such as High Dynamic Range (HDR) display.

CS-3000 spectroradiometer in a black room surrounded by many different display images.