• Get the most from SpectraMagic™ NX2

    Tutorials and demonstration of new and returning features to ensure that users can achieve maximum benefit from the software


If there are features that you would like demonstrated in future videos then you can contact us using the link below to make a suggestion.

QC Template Function

SpectraMagic™ NX2 contains a new feature to help product owners to guide the way that team members and suppliers measure, report and communicate brand and product colours.

QC templates allow the project owner or administrator to lock measurement conditions in with the colour standards in a file that can be shared with production or supply chain partners.

User Defined Information Feature

This video covers the process of adding user data fields that prompt data capture of colour adjacent, process and workflow information at the point of colour measurement. Tracking information such as who the observer was, temperature, which line produced the sample etc.

Integrating this adjacent data into reporting can greatly improve the utility and value of reports.

Managing User Profiles

This video demonstrates the process of enabling, creating and editing the user roles in the system to set distinct software roles and permissions at a user or group level.

This feature can be used to prevent users from editing settings, creating targets, editing tolerances and more.

Editing the Canvas Window

This video demonstrates the process of customising the canvas window in SpectraMagic™ NX2.

The video contains a brief demonstration of the process of adding additional data fields to reports, customising graphs and information fields.

Adding List items to reports

This video briefly demonstrates the process of using the List Items menu when building or customising the operator view or colour data reports generated using Konica Minolta Sensing SpectraMagic™ NX2.

Mastering the list items will make creting and utilising reports easier and provide access to the full extend to data and indexes available.

Customise the window layout

This video helps demonstrate the customizability of the Window system within SpectraMagic™ NX2 including resizing, repositioning, relocating, closing and opening display elements according to your requirements.

Achieving the correct layout improves the efficiency of the system by presenting the most important data for operators whilst the templates and tabs generate detailed reports.

Adding User Illuminants

Adding a User Illuminant to the software will allow operators to assess target and sample colour under additional lighting conditions, for example under a coloured effect light or specific store lighting. User Illuminants can either be added manually, measured or imported from a spectral illuminance meter / spectroradiometer or imported from Lr5 files.

Using the Instrument Check function to test and report device condition

This video demonstrates using the new Instrument Check feature in SpectraMagic™ NX2 version 1.4 and later that helps the operator to track instrument repeatability, reproducibility and lamp life. Results from the Instrument Check can be incorporated into daily digital colour data reporting or colour communication with supply partners to evidence device condition at both target and sample level. The Instrument Check feature requires a Premium licence of SpectraMagic™ NX2.

Using the Job Mode function to create guided colour measurement tasks

The SpectraMagic™ NX2 Job Mode function allows the project owner to set a guided measurement job of one or more samples or stages that uses image and text guidance to ensure that the operator can easily and repeatably perform even complex multi stage colour measurement tasks.

Managing Targets - Master Targets, Working Targets and the Auto Target function

This video will help operators to organise their digital colour Targets or Standards by creating linked Master and Working Targets which maintain a relationship to each other. Operators can quickly and easily switch between both versions of the target and maintain each as required.

An Introduction to Digital Colour Data and Colour Theory

We have developed a short 6 video series that introduces some of the key principles behind colour measurement and digital colour data.

You can watch the playlist here or find the videos individually on our Youtube Channel.